31 December 2010

Bromo spew Material Glow

Mount Bromo back spewing brownish gray ash and incandescent material, accompanied by a roar loud enough. Even the rumble intensity longer than ever before.

"The earthquake tremors continuously with amplitude of 40 mm max. Yesterday, just 55 minutes. And now much longer and larger thundering voice,"M Subhan, observation post officer of Mount Bromo, in Cemoro Lawang.

Incandescent material according to Subhan, still fall at the foot of Mount Bromo. Or is about 150 meters radius from the crater lip. Bursts of ash which is fast enough with a height of 1,200 meters, and wind direction to the east and northeast.

According to him, vomit this incandescent material as an indication of the increase in the magma surface. "That was also the explosion sound terdengan 2 times from the crater," said Subhan.

13 December 2010

The Top Gadget 2010

Tablet 10 inch Apple iPad named crowned as the top gadget in the year 2010 version of Time magazine.

On the other hand, Google's rivals as Apple also scored no less glorious achievement. Despite failing to reach the highest, some of their products successfully through the list. Here are 10 gadgets of the top 2010 version of Time magazine:

1. iPad

iPad is not the first touchscreen tablet, but the most successful. Just imagine, 3 million units sold out within the first month of marketing.

2. Samsung Galaxy S

Predicate as one of the best Android smartphone in 2010 fell to the Galaxy S. The combination of the Android software and hardware make it attractive technology enthusiasts.

3. 11-inch MacBook Air

Despite relatively high priced, no doubt charm design of this 11-inch MacBook Air.

4. Google TV Revue Via Logitech

Logitech device allows users assessed in accessing Google TV or look at television with the conventional way.

5. Nexus

Nexus One can not succeed as expected Google. Still Nexus get special treatment and guaranteed to get the Android OS updates over the phone 'green robots' other.

6. iPhone 4

Retina-screen technology on the iPhone 4 quite phenomenal. And like the iPhone before, millions of units already sold.

7. Apple TV

Apple TV is seen to bring changes for consumers to access content in movies, television programs and so forth.

8. Toshiba Libretto Laptop Dual-Screen

This laptop is different from the other, with two touch screen facility. The existence of a physical keyboard is no longer needed.

9. Kinect

Microsoft makes breakthrough with Kinect, in which the human body so game controllers. This system was considered to be more popular than the Nintendo Wii.

10. Nook Color

The screen color on Color Nook otherwise comparable with the technology in Apple iPad. Color Nook was deemed more qualified than the e-book reader display other colors.

10 December 2010

Fugitive Terorist, Abu Tholut Arrested

News of the arrest of fugitive terrorist Abu Tholut increasingly clear. Abu Tholut arrested at his house in Kudus, Central Java.

The information circulated, Abu Tholut arrested Detachment at his hideout in Kudus, Central Java. He had been a teacher or instructor explosives in Afghanistan from 1987 until 1992. He is also active in Mindanao, the Philippines, and had been a camp leader in the Philippines in 1999-2000.

Abu Tholut was also the Chairman of the Mantiqi III Jemaah Islamiyah in Poso (2000-2002), before being handed over to Nasir Abas, who is now a terrorism analyst. Abu Tholut people who reported to Abu Bakr Baa'syir anyone who graduated in the inaugural JI.

Abu Tholut also considered to have expertise more dangerous than Dulmatin or Noordin M Top. With his experience, Abu Tholut ever build a bomb laboratory. In 2003 he was ambushed in Semarang and already have a bomb lab. He also was known to have weapons M 16.

07 December 2010

New Google Phone

Google finally officially introduced the Nexus S. The next Google phone will be manufactured by Samsung.

Unlike the Nexus, which was launched with bells and whistles, Google announced the Nexus S only through a posting on his official blog.

Andy Rubin, Android founder who now serves VP of Engineering at Google, reveals Nexus S in conjunction with the inauguration of the Android 2.3 aka Gingerbread.

"Nexus S is the device model for Gingerbread / Andorid 2.3; this will be the first Android device that uses the latest platforms," writes Rubin, Tuesday (07/12/2010)

Google developed the Nexus S together with Samsung. The specifications are quite close to the popular Samsung products: Samsung Galaxy S.

06 December 2010

Google Phone Next

Eric Schmidt, Google's boss, starting the next Google phone unmasked. One of his ability is a digital wallet.

Google Android phone that will be the successor to the Nexus One was going to use the operating system 'Gingerbread'. Then, from the hardware side, he will be equipped with an RFID chip communication style.

Chip which will provide the capability of electronic transactions via mobile phones. The chip will be connected with the nearest receiver, for example at the counter, after a user confirmation.

"Basically, you just put this phone on all the things to replace credit cards. In the industry, we call it" tap and pay ', "said Schmidt.

He did not reveal who the manufacturer is believed to Google to make mobile phone that successors Nexus. Schmidt just mention the product as 'the yet to be announced'.

Nexus One, the first Google phone, manufactured by HTC. The phone is well received in the U.S. and has since been followed by various Android phones increasingly popular.

03 December 2010

Are Aliens Come?

United States space agencies (NASA) will hold a press conference on the issue of the most intriguing people of the world, which is about alien beings outside the Earth.

The press conference will be held today (Friday, 03/12/2010). The plan, the conference will discuss the findings in the field of astrobiologi that will give impact on efforts to find extraterrestrial life or beyond Earth.

A number of experts from the field of molecular evolution astrobiologi and will be present at the press conference. Some of them are Mary Voytek, Director of the Astrobiology Program, NASA Headquarters in Washington and Felisa Wolfe-Simon, astrobiologi researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey.

So far there has been no definite information about specific materials that will be delivered. Some media have speculated about the material that will be delivered. Gawker, for example, issued a news under the title "Did NASA find life on Saturn's satellites?", While other media such as PC World issued a news "Is Alien Come?".

Meanwhile, Phil Plait, an astronomy reporter who for 10 years working on Hubble Space Telescope provides a more realistic comment. He said that NASA conference may only be announced a few locations that allow for life, but definitely will not mention the existence of life in that place.

"This event is likely to discuss the conditions on other planets or satellites which is conducive to life," says Plait. Furthermore, he revealed that if it is true there is life, not NASA will hold a conference to announce it, but will tend to close the information meetings.