Big influence in internet world still be held by Google. one of the influence evidence with applying of Google Page Rank that is value a web or blog in eye Google. this month Google has done update page rank and a lot of value change page rank from web or the blog,
Google Page Rank also can eliminate earnings a netpreuner which has is old dabbled in internet business. if when web or blog gets page rank 2, this means earnings a netpreuner from review will lose at all because some programs review only receive web or blog having page minimum rank 3.
have been many complains of the blogger is losing production because influence Google page rank. from production of 3 digit dollars which in earning by writing review, so after web or blog gets page rank 0 the evanescent production at once.
Google does update page its the rank 3-4 months once. so starts now draws up web or blog you for 3 or 4 next month.
26 February 2008
Google Page Rank

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